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TEST / 5 Minute Shaper

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reviewer Published le 3 Janvier à 16:34
The 5 Minutes Shaper is an adjustable multifunction machine that works your muscles and your cardiovascular system efficiently and simultaneously. Perfect for all fitness levels, you just need to choose the settings that suit you, whether you're a beginner, intermediate, advanced, or even an expert. This machine includes a counter that calculates exercise time, repetition, and calories burned. Finally, the 5 Minute Shaper easily folds up for discreet storage under the bed or in a closet.


The 5 Minutes Shaper, just like the Ab Glider, combines core exercises and the wheel for abdominals to provide an effective abdominal belt building exercise.
It combines cardio and muscle toning to quickly burn fat and sculpt your body. What sets this Shaper apart from the abdominal machines on the market today is its cardiovascular and overall component. With this multifunction machine with abdominal-dominant angular variables, you work your entire body (your back, your abdominals, your hips and your arms) with intensity. Perfect for all levels of physical fitness, just select from the 4 levels offered ranging from beginner, intermediate, advanced, to expert depending on your physical condition. The resistance adjustment is done by changing the degree of inclination of the device.

With a maximum of 45 ° of incline, the 5 Minutes Shaper is a device with a high level of resistance that allows you to quickly tone muscles and strengthen the abdominal belt. This device is equipped with an on-board computer which calculates in real time the duration of the exercise, the number of repetitions and the calories burned. The on-board computer with LED screen, although basic, is no less efficient and practical. In addition, this device is easily foldable and space-saving (even mounted) for storage under the bed or in a closet. Perfect for men and women, this fitness machine features a sturdy steel frame that can support up to 110kg. The device can be easily set up in a short time. You don't need outside help.

Manufacturer's recommendation:
This is an exercise machine for abdominals which according to the manufacturer's claims will allow you to lose belly fat and obtain drawn abs in just 5 minutes of daily use. However, no scientific data confirms these claims.




  • Easy to use
  • Device works all muscle groups
  • Straining the cardiovascular system
  • Combines cardio workout and toning
  • Foldable device and space-saving for easy storage
  • Can be used anywhere
  • Maximum user weight
  • Good quality and fashionable


  • 5 minutes a day is not enough to lose weight
  • If improperly used, can cause pain in the back
  • Does not work the obliques
  • Durability (depending on the brand)
  • Only 1 exercise: can be off-putting


With the 5 Minute Shaper, you will have an effective total body workout, but contrary to what the manufacturer claims, you will not get convincing results with just 5 minutes of training per day.Nevertheless, unlike most fitness equipment. abdominals sold on the market (see AB Circle Pro), this 5 Minute Shaper, because it demands your cardiovascular system, will allow you to obtain results.Like the ProForm Ab Glider, we therefore recommend this device to people who want to lose weight, in addition to other exercises and a balanced diet. To see the full Ab Glider review, click here.



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4.0 / 5