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TEST / Rock Gym

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reviewer Published le 3 Janvier à 16:37
The Rock Gym is a 6-in-1 machine that precisely targets your abdominals but also allows you to work the whole body thanks to its system of springs and elastic bands. With its technology, you can isolate and target your lower, middle and upper abs as well as obliques, arms and triceps, legs and glutes. The backrest made up of comfortable foam rollers and an integrated headrest provide support while you move.


Are you looking for a complete fitness device to work your whole body? The Rock Gym could, according to its manufacturer, be THE solution.
The Rock Gym is a training device that allows you to work the abdominal muscles, the legs, the arms and the buttocks and therefore to sculpt your body as you wish. wish. With this only Rock Gym, you perform various exercises such as abdominals, push-ups, workouts for the legs, or even body stretching sessions.

A closer look , Rock Gym reminds us of the Wonder Core 2 , previously tested on our site. Although some changes have been made, it basically takes over the same functionality. The versatility and overall efficiency of the Wonder Core 2 had pleasantly surprised us and now it's time to see if this Rock Gym is of the same ilk.


The Rock Gym is a 6 in 1 fitness machine comparable to a weight bench that precisely targets your abdominals, upper body but also legs and the glutes. Versatile, this bench inspired by Wonder Core 2 , consists of a solid modular frame, a flexible backrest, a system of elastic resistance bands but also, and this is where it differs from its competitor, an integrated development leg. Like the Wonder Core 2, the resistance attached to the backrest is provided by a system of springs located under the seat. Whether you are a beginner or a more experienced user, the Rock Gym is suitable for all levels of fitness and is suitable for both women and men. The Rock Gym backrest tilts to support you in your abdominal movements and to solicit and exercise all of your muscles.
Composed of foam rollers, it is very comfortable and supports you in all your movements . A headrest also provides additional support during the various exercises.

This fitness equipment offers a complete workout since, in addition to working the abdominals, the biceps, triceps, legs and glutes are called upon through the 6 exercises offered. With this Rock Gym, you perform exercises as varied as abdominals, push-ups, leg developper (for the legs), or even stretching sessions for the body. 3 resistance levels are offered on the leg developper (leg exercises). They allow you to progress at your own pace. And for an even more complete training, you can use the resistance bands and strengthen your upper body. They will allow you to intensify your exercises, especially for the arms.

Turnkey solution, this Rock Gym is very easy to use. Put it on and you can start your workout. Plus, the Rock Gym folds up and easily stows away under a bed or behind a cabinet or door after your session is over.

The device is sold between 150 € and 180 € on e-commerce sites.


  • Type Type 1
  • Type NC
  • Reclining YES
  • Foldable YES
  • Number of exercises NC
  • Max Weight NC
  • Dimensions NC
  • Weight NC
  • Garanty NC



  • Easy to use
  • Versatile : 6 in 1 device
  • Integrated leg developper
  • Comfort of use
  • Adjustable tilt
  • Adjustable resistance
  • Integrated headrest
  • High position
  • Compact / small footprint
  • Foldable


  • Used alone, does not allow weight loss
  • Low user maximum weight
  • Not suitable for all sizes
  • Slightly weak resistance
  • Support non-adjustable head
  • Durability / Solidity
  • Price


The Rock Gym is an efficient and versatile device that focuses on strengthening body muscle. While not being a miracle product, it can effectively work and strengthen different muscle groups, but if your goal is to shed excess fat, its effectiveness will be limited or not at all. To lose weight effectively, regular and intense physical activity coupled with a healthy diet will be necessary. No matter what weight loss program or fitness device you use, only your commitment and motivation will make the difference. br>
So if you do not know which device or diet to choose, first think about your needs and your goals and especially the most appropriate means to achieve them. Sometimes it makes more sense to buy a pair of running shoes rather than a device that you will only use a few times.



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3.0 / 5