TEST / Everlast Thigh Toner for Women - Thigh Firming Device
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The Everlast Thigh Toner for Women is a fitness device for toning and firming the adductors, arms, chest and buttocks. Very compact, it can be stored and transported easily.
Everlast, one of the benchmark brands in the Boxing and combat sports sector in the world, is expanding its range by offering fitness / muscle strengthening equipment for several years. After the abdominal wheel, Everlast arrives with a new product Intended for women, the Thigh Toner. According to the manufacturer, the Everlast Thigh Toner for Women helps to firm the outer and inner thigh muscles, tone the arms, chest and buttocks."Finished fat, it targets the inner thigh muscles (adductors) without adding too much strain, its strong resistance allows you to increase your firmness and build strength at the same time, it helps you feel sexier with firmer thighs slimmer ".
This equipment designed to strengthen and tone the adductor muscles, arms, chest and buttocks using the resistance of a spring. The movement is relativ ely simple since it suffices to compress the two ends of the device in order to make them approach, see to touch. However, you must position yourself correctly to use this product, but once you have taken the fold , you will feel the strain on your muscles every time you squeeze it.
The product is covered with foam to enhance comfort, and the size is very compact for easy storage and you can always carry it in your bag when traveling.
We strongly suggest that you read the instructions upon receipt of your package before you start using it. This product is packaged very compactly so that the spring mechanism is pressurized, so it could come loose and be thrown when you open it. Beware of this.
The color of the product is not always the one displayed
Be careful of the spring when you unpack the package
The negative side is that you might get random color, we have seen several comments on the internet that buyers get different colors from the picture shown.But don't be demotivated by the color of this one, This product targets the muscles described well, and after a week or so, users will experience the benefits of using this product, and will notice that their thighs or arms will be firmer and stronger.