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The Core Max PRO is a versatile abdominal machine with a padded seat equipped with articulated arms allowing 180 ° amplitude, and adjustable resistance. According to the manufacturer, thanks to this small device, it is possible to perform 8 different exercises, in addition to cardio. If used regularly, it would help you achieve a flat stomach and tone your core.
You may have tried everything, gone to great lengths, purchased expensive health club memberships to achieve results that in the end often leave something to be desired. This is where the Core Max PRO comes in, and depending on its specifications, will get you results quickly. & Nbsp;
What is Core Max PRO?
The Core Max PRO is a compact and versatile device which is reminiscent of the Ab Flex Total Core , Described by its manufacturers as one of the best ways to work your abs and core muscles, it promises to get you back in shape. We don't specifically know who markets the Core Max PRO, but it appears to be a continuation of the Wonder Core original (larger) on the market for some time now. But what interests us here is whether this machine is really "smart" and efficient. Let's see all of this in more detail. & Nbsp;
The Core Max PRO consists of a padded seat and 2 articulated arms. These are controlled by two internal springs and a knob which, when turned, delivers 10 or 20 kg of resistance, in both directions. This device targets your core belt (upper, lower, and middle abs and obliques) with precision thanks to its resistance system during the ascent but also during the descent.The arms of the Core Max PRO offer a range of motion of 180 degrees depending on the exercises. It helps to isolate and train your upper and middle abs individually. As you pay close attention to each of them, you make sure that they are working correctly and in the best possible way. The full range of motion of the Core Max is believed to strengthen the entire core belt. Another benefit of using the Core Max is that it is easily adjustable to your fitness level. You can choose the resistance that's right for you and the support that's right for your fitness level. & Nbsp;
8 exercises are possible with this device, both for the upper limbs and the lower limbs. You can choose from: & nbsp;
1. Sit Ups / Crunches (abs)
2. Pumps
3. Sheathing
4. Scissors
5. Arms / Biceps
6. Triceps
7. Knee lift
8. Pedaling / Cycling
& nbsp;
& nbsp; Sold at around 80 €, it is possible to pay for it in several installments free of charge on certain sites and certain teleshopping programs.
Well-shaped abs, who never wanted them? Devices like the Core Max PRO are a godsend for home shopping shows. People sitting on their sofas watching these commercials can't help but feel self-conscious about the "perfectly sculpted models" who laud the merits of these miracle devices, although it is highly doubtful and even unlikely that these same models have ever used these machines even once in their life. The site and the ads use the "before / after" concept. to promote the Core Max PRO, but there is no way to know if these evolutions are really legitimate. With the Core Max, all exercises seem possible, and even if the position is ridiculous at times, all is good for show the versatility of the device. As a result, some exercises are more effective than others and allow you to solicit other muscle groups without being able to work them in depth. & Nbsp; Regarding the exercise for abdominals, the resistance is rather suitable but the support at the spartan back. & nbsp;
To the question whether the Core Max PRO can not only burn unwanted fat but also allow you to achieve flat abs, the answer is without hesitation, nah. Not that the device does not work your abdominals, but the intensity of the proposed exercises is not sufficient to burn enough calories, with this device, therefore, it is not possible for you to get rid of those love handles or that fat on the stomach. Either way, no abs machine can lose excess fat if it isn't accompanied by cardio exercise and a healthy diet. & Nbsp;
As far as comfort goes, it's always better than a simple mat, but at this price, we would have liked something more accomplished (your neck and head don't have full support).
Compact, small footprint
Several feasible exercises
Involves different muscle groups
Resistance during ascent and descent
180 ° amplitude
Do not use cardio
Does not allow weight loss
Effectiveness / usefulness of certain exercises
Resistance more or less suitable
(Comfort & nbsp; / Durability)
The Core Max PRO is still one of those devices sold through marketing that will unfortunately have little or no impact on you and which, on the other hand, will degrease your wallet. At an introductory price of around € 100, it is expensive to pay for the services it offers.
While this versatile Core Max PRO can come in handy in certain situations if used correctly and consistently and with proper nutrition, like all sit-up machines, other machines offer much better performance at a lower price.