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BUYER'S GUIDE / Les meilleures Plateformes vibrantes à moins de 400€

Retrouvez la Sélection CFIT des meilleures Plateformes vibrantes à moins de 400€ de 2021 :

Sportstech VP300 3D : Sportstech VP300 3D

S’entrainer dans le confort de votre maison ? C’est ce que semble promettre les plateformes vibrantes, équipement qui, après s’être démocratisé dans les salles de fitness arrive progressivement dans nos foyers douillets.

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How the Price table works
Price offers are listed in ascending order. Displayed prices include tax and VAT. Delivery prices are displayed is the merchant less expensive price. In those Price tables we reference of merchant that want to be showned only if they include tax and VAT and present a high satisfaction & quality. This referencing is charged. Our price tables are because of that non exhaustive and therefore do not reflect all offers and merchants on the market. Offers are updated everyday.

Sportstech VP300 : Sportstech VP300

Issus des équipements professionnels des salles de fitness, la plateforme vibrante est un appareil idéal pour un entraînement efficace et rapide qui pourrait bien trouver sa place au sein de votre foyer.



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How the Price table works
Price offers are listed in ascending order. Displayed prices include tax and VAT. Delivery prices are displayed is the merchant less expensive price. In those Price tables we reference of merchant that want to be showned only if they include tax and VAT and present a high satisfaction & quality. This referencing is charged. Our price tables are because of that non exhaustive and therefore do not reflect all offers and merchants on the market. Offers are updated everyday.

Buyer's guide