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TEST / Weider Pro 9900 Multigym

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reviewer Published le 3 Janvier à 16:37
The Multigym Weider 9900 station allows you to benefit from a complete home training device. It is equipped with a stack of 65kg weights and 45kg of resistance with the burn bands. This Multigym machine allows you to solicit your main muscle groups thanks to its 6 workstations: the arm / chest press, the high pulley, the low pulley, the butterfly, the abdominal strap, and the leg developer. With the combination of adjustable plate, pulley handle, ankle strap, you can mimic the rowing movement. The station also comes with an abdominal mat and an exercise board.


The Multigym 9900 home gym from Weider gives you the convenience and versatility of your home workouts. The Weider 9900 is constructed from a sturdy tubular frame so that you can perform intense workouts for strengthening and muscle development without fear and in complete safety.

The Weider Pro 9900 Press is equipped with a precision pulley with bearing and mechanical pivot as well as steel cables covered with nylon. It allows you to practice a guided exercise very safely, without having the feeling of distortion.
Very comfortable, this weight training machine has an adjustable seat with a quick latch. The adjustable seat covered with padded vinyl as well as the padded rollers offer maximum comfort during your training sessions.
Finally, it allows safe handling of weights with its protective cover.

A A wide range of exercises can be performed with the different positions offered: the chest press, the butterfly, the high pulley, the low pulley and the extension leg. Ankle and pull straps (included) also increase the number of exercises you can perform. You will be able to work your upper and lower limbs with a single device.

The Pro Multigym 9900 comes with a 65 kg weight rack, perfectly suited for muscle building and physical maintenance.

Training station

· High pulley with Lat Bar: Development of the muscles of the shoulders and back.
· Low pulley and Rowing machine: Work of the arms, deltoids, rowing with wedging of the feet.
· Butterfly: range of motion and better contraction and muscle definition.
· Arm press: Increase the volume of the pectorals with this basic movement.
· Leg Lift: The curls of the legs guarantee the strengthening of the quadriceps.
· Abdo: Movement to exercise the abdominal belt with central strap


  • Resistance Max NC
  • Number of exercises NC
  • Weight Rack 143.3 lbs
  • Adjustable Seat YES
  • Carter YES
  • Max Weight 297.7 lbs
  • Dimensions 77.2 x 43.3 x 82.7 in
  • Weight 399.1 lbs
  • Garanty NC
  • Pec Dec Arms 73 lbs
  • Chest Press 105 lbs
  • Military Press
  • Rower
  • Preacher curl pad
  • Vertical Pull
  • High Pulley 123 lbs
  • Middle Pulley 100 lbs
  • Low Pulley 140 lbs
  • Leg Extension 155 lbs
  • Leg Press
  • Hip station
  • Roman Chair
  • Pull up Station
  • Inclined Bench



  • Ease of use
  • Multitude of the exercises offered
  • Seat adjustable in height & depth
  • Supplied accessories
  • Modern design
  • Solidity
  • Comfortable
  • Value for money
  • Protective cover
  • Markings on the weight stack
  • ultra well done assembly
  • Easy assembly for this type of equipment


  • Long assembly (allow 1 day anyway)
  • Weight of 57 kg (Insufficient load for advanced users)
  • Protective housing open
  • Dimensions
  • Workstations (No biceps desk)


Weider has always accustomed us to excellent quality and this Multigym 9900 is no exception, it's good stuff. The device is stable, solid, robust and easy to practice even if at times you may regret a lack of fluidity.

The Weider Multigym 9900 Station is therefore a well-made station which allows you to perform a large number of exercises for the upper and lower body which ultimately lacks a biceps desk.

Perfectly suited for daily use of maintenance or fitness type see more, this station offers good value for money in an increasingly competitive environment.



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4.0 / 5